Love in the afternoon...

Clara: "Mommy put on princess music pwease!"
I que up ‘Once Upon A Dream’ from the Sleeping Beauty soundtrack.
Max waits in the wings (aka dining room) for the call...
Clara, coyly: "Prince Phiwip, Oh Prince Phiwip..."
Me, prompting Max to come forth in grandeur: "Ahem, Ahem, AHEM!"
Max comes around the corner, proud and gallant and true.
Clara gives her hand to him and they dance,dance, DANCE swirling around our kitchen as if they were on Dancing with the Stars.
I float around them with Zoe on my hip on a cloud of joy and dismay that these are the same two children who were in full armor over something trivial, like who gets the last grape popsicle, moments ago...
Back to that cloud...

That is a darling photo... I too enjoy seeing my sons "rise" to the occasion of their little sister's desires... besides, who wouldn't want to be able to dance like a star! ;-)
Your descriptive powers are AMAZING!! I can actually feel what it is like to be there while the dance goes on! Thank you for sharing!!!!
Faithful Reader
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