Our day trip to Block Island!

Clara was my only dissenter on the bench even though we were dressed semi-appropriately and provided her with a 3:5 adult/child ratio, which beats 1:3 at home, but maybe she's better at math and it's really just a wash? She spent at least 62 minutes asserting her position that this was the last place she wanted to be. Only my love of the sun, surf, and a pre-paid ticket on the 3pm Ferry prevailed.
Max had a great time fishing with his pal A and curiously he didn't seem to care at all if on his fishing line nibbles were naught. This is the same boy who routinely pitches a fit if he loses at checkers which leads me to believe he's just pleased he has something with a hook on it, which I'm sure falls into the classification of WEAPON.
Zoë also enjoyed her favorite past time of finding shards of glass and eating sand while I performed cartwheels and handstands in the sand. J and I even found the time to discuss the sometimes emotionally thorny position of Mamma to the heavy metal tune of Clara's "I WANT TO GO HOME". I confessed to J that when Clara is asserting her position like that for more than 20 minutes straight, I like to position my fingers right at her bottom at which point I have to summon up all 69 inches of vertical strength I have to not to pinch her. Hard. Truly I'd never harm a fuzzy duck hair on her body because I love her like crazy, but it doesn't mean I don't think about it.
All in all I feel this trip was a success with the exception of aforementioned poignant assertions, a poorly executed but still tasty lunch on main street and a dialogue with a drunken woman just as we were docking back on the Mainland. She was informing Max and his pal that it was her first trip off Block Island in a year and she couldn't get over how much everything had changed. And by everything changing she meant all of her brain cells that had shrunken due to alcohol consumption so that while everything was in fact exactly the same, it all looked completely different. As she went on and on, I don't think she noticed that the two 5 year olds she was dialoguing with were more interested in her dragon breath than her insights.

But really, Block Island is a beautiful place to visit, I'd just recommend July and August for sensible folks...
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