If I had an entire weekend to myself I would...

The following question was posed over at CHBM and this is something I often like to pray, uh I mean, think about.
“If I had an entire weekend to myself I would...”
7:30 pm: Go to sleep
10am: Wake!
10am to Noon: Groom!
Noon to 4pm: Shop!
4-6pm: Nap!
6pm till the clock strikes me... Eat, Drink and Be Merry!
10 am: Wake!
10 am to Noon: Watch a movie with subtitles!
Noon - 2pm : Read trashy magazines to finally catch up on whats really happening with Brittany and Kev's relationship etc...
2pm - 6pm: Pray for an extension...
Ha. I'd soooooooo pray for an extension too.
This was great! I love shopping and would love to go some time without a child in tow but it never seems to work out that way...
Let's not discuss the impossible...it only makes me weep. Oh sweet nap...you escape me once again : |.
Sleep in late!! And nap! For the love of Pete I would kill for a nap. And to be able to take your time getting ready? I might actually leave the house looking GOOD!
Pray for an extension - hee! How much of your soul would you have to sell for that?
Shopping without kids sounds like such heaven I'd pray for an extension too! LOL
Great post!
I like your Friday plan. I would do that and repeat.
Any room service? ;)
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