Mamma had a makeover!

I have good news! I've undergone an emotional makeover, which I think will work out quite nicely for you! I'm simply bubbling over with enthusiasm for my new and improved perspective on the three of you: What I once considered characteristics worthy of exorcism, I now consider features:
- Willful temperaments? Keep 'em coming! I now see this as an indication of your future performance as world changing, steadfast individuals. Good for you!
- Finicky eating? Superb! You're going to have discerning taste buds which is just dandy. It means that someday when YOU'RE taking ME out for dinner it will be top shelf meals and old vine red Zinfandels for us! No more Cracker Barrel!
- Sibling rivalry? Uncle Dave and I suffered through approximately 10 years of mutual torment and now we find each other to be quite amusing. And all the stories from the old days make for great laughs around the dinner table..
- Generalized neediness? Go get what you want out of life! I know I don't take NO for an answer, so how can I possible expect you to?
- Flakiness? (a.k.a: I used to love Green but now I want the RED cup.) This could be considered favorable if you decide to die your hair purple, which while I'm not fundamentally opposed to the concept, I really don't think it works with any of your yellow skin undertones.
- Dirty Diapers: (Hmmm. May have to get back to you on this one.)
In order to keep my "Up with Toddlers/Preschoolers" attitude, you may notice Mamma slipping out of the room on occasion. If I start to feel frustrated, I'm simply going to situate myself in the naughty room (a.k.a: my bedroom) for a break where I'll drink espresso and comb through the pages of In Style, People and Real Simple magazines. I maintain that you can keep yourselves alive (unassisted) for at least 10 minutes.
As an outward manifestation of my inward metamorphosis, I'm changing my look here. No more mournful black backdrop. It's all polka dots from here on out!

I LOVE IT!!!!!!!
GO FABULOUS POKA DOTS...don't they just make you feel grand. I once saw one of those house makeover shows where the couple could'nt live without them. Had to have them painted in at least one room.
You give me such a boost...rock on Kitty!
Props to my twin! It's all up from here!
And the inability to sit still? A future as an accomplished dancer. And all that shrieking? Practice for your future vocal performance career.
Way to look for the bright side.
I love this post. As a Mama who was definitely "six foot under" at one point in time, I think you've got a wonderful attitude.
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