Imagine that your babysitting Clara for the afternoon and she asks for some "juicy". You'll see this as a simple request and you'll head over to my kitchen cabinets to grab a cup for her. See these 2 sippy cups in there? They appear virtually identical. Both are plastic and cylindrical in shape. They each taper at the bottom and can hold up to 225 ml of fluid. They make nice listening devices if you put them up against a wall. The one on the left is green; the one on the right is orange. If your with me still, your probably thinking and what the Hell is Hello Kitty's point? STOP RIGHT HERE AND STEP AWAY FROM THE CABINET. You might be making the mistake of your life. FLUIDS POURED IN THESE CUPS DO NOT TASTE THE SAME! Just try serving Clara up her beverage of choice in the orange one. You will set a series of events into motion that are unfortunate and unpleasant and no amount of money I'm paying you to baby-sit will be commensurate to the experience. First she will accept the cup from you, but within 1.5 seconds she will realize its not green, throw her head back (the ringlets in her hair will bounce up and down which almost makes this worth it), open her mouth as wide as the ocean and screech "NOOOOOOOOOOOOO". Then she will cast down the unendurable orange sippy cup to the floor with such force that the lid will pop off and liquid will spew all over the floor. Clara will run from the spillage and lay down on the floor as if she has the expectation that mother earth will compasionately open up and take her from this person that has failed her. She will lay there for no less than 3 minutes writhing in emotional pain. And no, I don't give in to these antics.... I re-fill the orange sippy cup again, calmly place it on the chair and leave the room. After she's squeezed every last drop of emotion out of her little body, she slowly gets up and resurfaces as my bright-eyed sunshine tulip dreamboat, walks over to the chair and partakes of the juice in the orange sippy cup.
So you think the answer is simple.... just buy all green cups and be done with it. But nothing is simple in Bedlam. Two weeks ago her favorite was the YELLOW one, which is now being cast aside in the closet of misfit sippy cups. So if your coming to babysit and want to have an easy time of it, come with your own color wheel.
Oh dear. I've been there before. But it was the RED plate with TWO (NOT three) sections. Screw it up and you would pay. Possibly forever.
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