Which Care Bear are YOU?

I just put my middle petunia to sleep and only because she's my bright-eyed sunshine tulip dreamboat did I drag my way through the Care Bear Storybook Treasury once more. After reading through several stories, I put my dreamboat down and meandered back to my computer, my brain in a state that would have posted a big flat line on Electroencephalography. But like a moth to a flame, somehow I ended up on the Internet taking a Care Bear personality test. (I know mom, there's a label for me - lets figure it out and get me the medication I need toot sweet!) Happily, all my fears were put to bed… I'm nothing like FUNSHINE Bear… I'm WISH bear! Click here for my profile, isn't it fabulous?
Click here for Funshine Bears profile. Yeah, yeah, Funshine is filled with unlimited energy, is always willing to have a good time and is extremely resourceful. And yes, he likes to tackle problems and tasks head-on, BUT and that's a big BUT, he often take on way too much and his stubbornness won't allow him to accept help from others! The thought of it!
Hmmm. Now that I think about it perhaps Funshine pushes my buttons because were so much alike.
I think I'm having an "Aha!" moment. Nah, probably just the wine talkin...
Now tell me, which care bear are YOU?
CHEER BEAR...WEE ( as A would say ).
: )
Your the best. So supportive of my blogging! I would have pegged you for cheer bear.
: ) back.
Friendship Bear!!!
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