Soundbites From the Edge

Wikipedia: Soundbite: Characterized by a short phrase or sentence that deftly captures the essence of what the speaker is trying to say. Such key moments in dialogue (or monologue) stand out better in the audience's memory and thus become the "taste" that best represents the entire "meal" of the larger message or conversation. Sound bites are a natural consequence of people placing ever greater emphasis on summarizing ever-increasing amounts of information in their lives. Welcome.

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Location: United States

Monday, April 24, 2006

Cooking Lemon Risotto with Clara

Clara: "Hi Mamma, what you making Mamma?"
Me: "Rice baby" (really Lemon Risotto)
Clara: "Oh I love rice!"
Me, thinking: (sarcastically): Sure you do...
Clara: "What's that momma?"
Me, suspiciously: "Lemon"
Clara: "Oh I love lemons mamma"
Me: "I know baby so you'll LOVE lemon rice"
Me, thinking: It's going to be another night of pasta and tofu pups for you...
Clara: "What's that mamma?"
Me: "Butter baby"
Clara: "Oh I LOVE butter mamma!"
Me thinking: Actually, that is true...I've seen you lick pats of butter on many an occasion.
Clara, dramatically: "Daddy, were having lemon rice tonight!"
Daddy, suspiciously: "Oh good Clara."
Clara yelling: "Max, were having lemon rice tonight!"
Max: No answer
Clara: "Mamma why is it pink?"
Me: "Because Mommy didn't have dry white wine, so I used red wine instead."
Clara: "I don't like red mommy"
Me thinking: OK I see where your going with this...
Clara: "Mommy can I help?"
Me: "Sure you can stir it Clara." (Maybe involvement will endear you to the dish)
Clara: "Ok mommy, I pat rice down like a cupcake, is that good mamma? I make a cupcake mommy!"
Me thinking: Here's where your prepping me that your expectation is a cupcake, not Lemon Risotto, so that you can act disappointed when I present you with the Risotto. This is the beginning of the end.
Me: "Clara are you going to eat Lemon Rice?"
Clara: "Yes, I'm really sure mamma that I want to eat it."
Me: Big sigh..."OK baby"
Clara, stirring risotto: "Mamma, you like my cupcakes? They are pretty hot, but you cant eat them yet. Zoë, you like my cupcakes?"
Me thinking: Oh no, don't say that! How the heck am I going to get Risotto past Zoë's lips when she expects cupcakes!!!
Clara: "You put more milk (aka chicken stock) in there?"
Me: "Yes, Clara." (Must not correct her and say the word chicken stock for fear of scaring her off... this situation is already tenuous at best.)
Clara: "I love helping you mamma and I love lemon rice"
Me: "This is going to be so tasty Clara, are you going to love it?"
Clara: "Oh yes mamma I going to love it, it's very pretty! Can I taste it?"
Me: "Yes Clara, here you go...."
Clara: (Recoils in horror as I start to lift the spoon) and screams: "NOOOOO, I don't like lemon rice."
Me,thinking: 1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10...


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Ohhh, me me me me me...No one does it better...That's the lyric running through the mind right now. Nicely executed plan! I had to take about eight of those big cleansing breaths throughout the day today. Rice...they'll be lucky if they get cheerios in a bowl eek...oh...uh mommies brain powering down now.

Love Love Love those little gremlins! : )

3:28 PM  
Blogger FabT said...

Once the tears clear away I will be able to pull myself back up to my desk chair. It is only a mother of another helpful, and Oh-so-positive that they love what I'm making 2 year old who can truly empathize with you. I don't think I'll stop giggling for many hours...thank you!!!!

6:49 AM  

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