Soundbites From the Edge

Wikipedia: Soundbite: Characterized by a short phrase or sentence that deftly captures the essence of what the speaker is trying to say. Such key moments in dialogue (or monologue) stand out better in the audience's memory and thus become the "taste" that best represents the entire "meal" of the larger message or conversation. Sound bites are a natural consequence of people placing ever greater emphasis on summarizing ever-increasing amounts of information in their lives. Welcome.

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Location: United States

Thursday, January 29, 2009

Presidents and Puppies

Cruising through Tim Horton's drive-thru for my Chai fix. Transaction complete.

Clara: "Mommy, I don't want to hand out Tea when I grow up - IT'S TOO HARD"
Me: "What do you want to be when you grow up?"
Clara: "President!"

Then in another form of pure sweetness, Clara asks me:
"Mommy how do you spell Trader Joes?"
I spell it, ask why, and she tells me she needs to remember how to get there so she can go to "Rumford Pets" next door to get the baby Chihuahua next week.

So quickly she forgets. Why it was just last week that we witnessed the untimely death of a squirrel that ran into our house via Oola our boxer. A full size red squirrel! And this is a baby mini Chihuahua!

Tuesday, January 27, 2009

Just counted 18 coffee mugs in my cabinet.
There are only 2 coffee/tea drinkers in this house.

OK, I'm done thinking now.


Thursday, January 22, 2009

I'd stick to my goal of posting something charming, or more likely sarcastic, or even more likely littered with commas, every few days, but I'm feeling a bit wonky.
Mentally ill. Rest of the group has been sick on and off for 2 weeks. Coughing all night, coughing all day. If barfing were a celebration, I'd say Wednesday night was masquerading as the fourth of July.

In the converse, I'm feeling especially chipper about my kitchen cabinets! They've been a beacon of purity in the midst of the infestation! And while Dave did NOT notice on his own, once I penetrated the wax in his ears with my resonating melodic voice, there was a glimmer of acknowledgement. Wiping down the cabinets is now something I've become fairly obsessed with. I wipe several down daily now, and yes I am slightly Bi-polar. And I end sentences with prepositions.


Sunday, January 18, 2009


For the first time in 5 years I scrubbed all my kitchen cabinets.

It was disgusting and if this is something normal people do regularly, I'd rather not know. Should you find yourself recoiling in horror, center yourself and contemplate the indigenous microbiotica crawling all over your skin 24/7.
My feeling is that at the end of my life, if I spent the 2 monthly hours required to stay on top of this situation, over the course of oh, say, 35 years, I'll have spent in excess of 4,680 hours on this task. I'd rather log that time in sleeping or exercising or drinking, or talking to Rosana on the phone. Thats about 56,000 5' headstands which is a more certain Nirvana than the flicker of recognition I'll receive for this menial task. And with 20/40 vision and not a pair of specs to be found, I'm not going to notice.

So if my husband, upstairs, asunder with man-cold, doesn't notice my efforts, rest assure I will never do this again. To top it off, now I'm afflicted with carpal and mental tunnel syndrome. And yes, I enjoy commas.


I just decided that dipping oil and sourdough bread a yummy breakfast make.

And also, after having had little to no interest in a nightly glass of red wine, I'm now announcing to you all (Hi Gina!) that I am entering back into a wine phase.
*Coincidentally, the kids have all been home sick for 4 days.

*The index of coincidence can be used to analyze whether two events are related. A coincidence does not prove a relationship, but related events may be expected to have a higher index of coincidence. From a statistical perspective, coincidences are inevitable and often less remarkable than they may appear intuitively.

Saturday, January 17, 2009



Clara sleeping, Max at Home Depot, Me and Zoe dancing formlessly with abandon in the kitchen
Spinning: High school musical MEGAMIX full version on repeat.
I'm loving this dance party as much as Zoe. All limbs flailing, hamstrings open from yoga, highest kicks ever. Zoe breaking out in spins on the floor. Suddenly Zoe stops, and looks at me with her serious, I'm 4 going on 16 face and shares her secret: "mommy i want to be very very very HOT when I grow up."
Me: "Zoe, what does that mean."
Me: (after professing how beautiful she is) "Where did you hear about this?"
Zoe: "Max"


Wednesday, January 14, 2009

The Making of Shark Teeth

Hmmm. Haven't been here in a while. Perhaps redecorating will make this more appealing. Hello blogger? Better templates please!


Max. 7.97 years of age. Enjoyable & charming and brilliant most of the time. Except for 95% of the time where he demonstrates that he is able to escalate Clara's emotions to fever pitch in a single bound. Exercises that skill regularly. If I wasn't a yogi, I'd be a druggie.

Clara continues to inspect produce and grains for imperfections. And by imperfections I mean the slightest spot on an apple and by slightest spot I mean a mark the size of an atom that you would never see in a million years unless you have a jewelers glass implanted in your cornea like Clara. And don't even talk to me about a single visible grain in a slice of whole wheat bread. I spend more time than I care to admit inspecting bread at market to try and avoid the grain reflex. Sure, I could just make her eat it. Or refuse to give her something else with the idea that at some point she'll be hungry enough to eat it. You go ahead and try that. Be prepared to sop up the puddle of sadness that will be Clara. And while your at it, have the fire extinguisher at the ready. Because soon she will tire of this emotion and upgrade to anger and redemption. I"ll meet you at the bread aisle. Bring your magnifying glass.

Then there's the issue of smell. She wont sit at the table with us if were eating anything that has an odor to it. And by odor, that means anything with ingredients in it, that has been cooked long enough to release the flavor. I, along with my colleagues, are cultivating a whole new mental syndrome. PTSD surrounding the years of utter rejection at the family dinner table. I have to talk myself off a ledge every time I hunker down in the kitchen to find a well balanced meal that will satisfy.

Next topic: Thumb Sucking And The Making Of Shark Teeth. I'm now left to face the fact that I "let" (as if I had any choice) Clara suck her thumb long enough that while straight, all of her teeth slightly angle forward. Forward enough that a new set of sneaky adult teeth are cropping up, slightly inset from the ones sticking out in the front row. 2 rows. Enough contact to loosen the baby teeth, but not enough to push them out. But just enough to make eating anything solid nearly impossible.

Finally: In between mealtimes, Clara prances about spreading sunshine. In a good moment, able to outshine the sun on a blazing hot summer day! Able to belt out show tunes like she's in a smoky blues cafe! It's like a roller coaster ride! Bring cotton candy!

Zoe: Quite serious. 4 going on 25. Far too sophisticated for all things age appropriate. Suffers daily when the bus takes Max and Clara off. "I WANT TO GO". Whenever we go somewhere with other children her age, she exclaims 'THIS IS FOR BABIES!'. It nearly kills her that she won't be in kindergarten until 2010, because life at home is too boring! As a September baby, I fully expect her to try and sneak into 2nd grade with Clara as she's so over baby stuff like the alphabet and numbers and childhood in general. I'm afraid I'm going to have to fish her eyes out of her forehead from all the rolling.

Zoe feels as strongly about her wardrobe as Clara feels about her produce and grains. The shirt or dress "HAS TO HAVE A DESIGN ON IT!" I could send Clara off to school in potato sack. Zoe's needs are strong yet simple. She just wants that great outfit that she wore yesterday, that is now in the washing machine, sopping wet. She has an uncanny ability to know what is unavailable, and to then desire that more than anything. And I have the uncanny ability to slip off into another dimension. Yes, I'm talking about an out of body experience. I'll come back someday. LIke defintely next week when Obama is inaugurated.

The End.