Presidents and Puppies

Cruising through Tim Horton's drive-thru for my Chai fix. Transaction complete.
Clara: "Mommy, I don't want to hand out Tea when I grow up - IT'S TOO HARD"
Me: "What do you want to be when you grow up?"
Clara: "President!"
Then in another form of pure sweetness, Clara asks me:
"Mommy how do you spell Trader Joes?"
I spell it, ask why, and she tells me she needs to remember how to get there so she can go to "Rumford Pets" next door to get the baby Chihuahua next week.
So quickly she forgets. Why it was just last week that we witnessed the untimely death of a squirrel that ran into our house via Oola our boxer. A full size red squirrel! And this is a baby mini Chihuahua!
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