Soundbites From the Edge

Wikipedia: Soundbite: Characterized by a short phrase or sentence that deftly captures the essence of what the speaker is trying to say. Such key moments in dialogue (or monologue) stand out better in the audience's memory and thus become the "taste" that best represents the entire "meal" of the larger message or conversation. Sound bites are a natural consequence of people placing ever greater emphasis on summarizing ever-increasing amounts of information in their lives. Welcome.

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Tuesday, May 30, 2006

The new Object of My Affection

There I stood, unaware that my life was about to change. There I stood chewing my gum down to a nub in a futile attempt to transfer the pain from my head to my teeth as 3 smallish tired children circled around me in the checkout line at the Big Y Market where the slogan is "Welcome to World Class Shopping". I feel their tag line should be: "Welcome to a place where we'll place many toys and candy items at eye level for your children so that they might torture you into spending more money while you wait in unreasonably long lines behind people who buy things that your children yearn for like Honey Combs and snacks containing red dye#6:" but I guess that's a little wordy.
Just when I was about to bark out another command to one of the tired small people, a light shown down from high and Angels sang sweetly o'er the plains as my eyes came into focus on a publication in the land of misfit magazines over the black conveyor belt. I nearly knocked over aforementioned shoppers purple bug juice to get to it! With little more to go on than a crisp cover, I knew with every fiber in my muffin top that this magazine was JUST RIGHT. And Just Right is called "Blueprint... Design your life" by Martha Stewart. Her brand spanking new publication aimed at today's modern (who me?) multi-tasking (uh huh) women aged 25-45 (Just right).
Real Simple has had my true and utter devotion for the last few years but there has always been a little something missing. A little something Martha. And while "Living" is a little too sophisticated for a simple girl like me, currently starring in the the role of "Country Girl", this new magazine "Blueprint...Design your life" is my perfect match.

Preview of articles on Blueprints premier issue cover:
423 SOLUTIONS for better rooms, meals, hair and sleep.
(OK Martha, you had me at 423. 423 solutions! Me, but better in 423 ways! Marvelous!)

SEXY DRESSES that work over time
(I hope overtime means the dress will survive a nite in bed when I'm too tired to snake out of it. A nite that will surely involve 3 small drooling people using aforementioned overtime dress as a pulley system to haul their 20-40 lb bodies into bed with us at 3am. And have I mentioned I don't believe in dry-cleaning?)

Living Room

QUICK-PREP dinner party
(And by that I hope they mean 30 minutes or less!)

BONUS BUYING GUIDE - The Sofa Handbook
(I just love the word Bonus... Something that makes the magazine seem worth so much more than the $4.95 I paid for it!)

Gotta run - the new object of my affection calls...

Farewell Real Simple.


Blogger TheScoop said...

hello there pretty kitty

fantabulous post though you failed to mention that your very most favorite stationery company has a little editorial spotlight on page 133-ish.

boss lady

5:11 AM  

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