Updates from the skies

Took off from Cleveland, now flying over nebraska! Flying up at 30,000 feet, we'll be up here for 4 1/2 hours now. Can't wait until were flying as a family to DISNEY. Just 3 more months.
Max, check with daddy to see all the states I'm flying over
A little baby screamed for the first 2 hours of the flight. Clara how do you think mommy felt inside? Happy or sad?
Zoe, you'd be happy to know that I spoke in depth with my seat-mate. Her name is not Stella, but rather Suzanne. I asked her all the questions you would have wanted the answers to. She is a girl, she lives in a house in Cleveland and she has many friends - also not named Stella. I'll see if I can get to the answers to some of your other favorite questions as the flight continues. I'm thinking maybe moving forward we'll actually interrogate people together so that you feel more satisfied in general.
I'm working on lots of Yoga homework up here, should be caught up by the time I'm back home again with you....
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