Off to school go you!

This was you 4 years ago...
I can't believe you are going to Kindergarten in 3 days. Mostly because I can't believe a yellow bus is going to pull up smack dab in front of my house and deliver you unto someone, called a teacher, who is going to care for you for 3 hours a day, 180 days a year! And on Tuesdays and Thursday's from 9:00 a.m to 11:30 am, Clara will be in preschool and it will be just me and Zoe! I'm thinking I'll spend the time with a Shaman in the sacred ritual of Soul Retrieval. It's been a long arduous summer, spent alongside large bodies of water with three children who don't know how to swim. I've lost nearly 180 hours of my life to sunscreen application during which time Clara screamed like I was administering the sunscreen with a patch of #20 sandpaper. Even so, I'm confident my soul is still in there somewhere under the emotional debris and I'm going to spend the fall finding it! It will be for the good of us all so that I can fetch juice and crackers with renewed vigour.
But really, I am thrilled for you. Your brilliant and fun and are showing great potential for theatrics, which makes me proud. You like to use words like venomous & tenacious - my only fear is that you are now entering the school system where people will teach you about things like the rules of grammar and I really can't support that. We'll just leave that facet of your education to Daddy.
It's the begining of something great for you Max, my little Rock Star.
ps. It really was a great summer... And I really will miss you when you head off on the bus my charming prince...
O.K. Now you're just trying to make us cry out here : (. I definitely feel like a nutcase when thinkin of this school year...sad , happy, sad, happy. It's so hard to think of them on their own.
They're all getting so big. Growing like well cared for weeds. However,like you I am looking forward to some alone time with the wee one. And after this summer, all I can say is, Hallelujah! If I here the phrase SHE'S IN MY FACE more time, it will be time for me to take the big dose.
Enjoy your upcoming reprieve.
You are hilarious. Will you please start your own blog so that I can enjoy your writing on a more regular basis!
You have LOTS of material!
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