Soundbites From the Edge

Wikipedia: Soundbite: Characterized by a short phrase or sentence that deftly captures the essence of what the speaker is trying to say. Such key moments in dialogue (or monologue) stand out better in the audience's memory and thus become the "taste" that best represents the entire "meal" of the larger message or conversation. Sound bites are a natural consequence of people placing ever greater emphasis on summarizing ever-increasing amounts of information in their lives. Welcome.

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Location: United States

Thursday, March 06, 2008

The Glam Zone

Well I'm heading into the Glam Zone this weekend. The East Side of Somewhere, located approximately 25 miles East of the West Side of Nowhere. Where people wear matching socks, have style and everything else that goes along with that, like, scarfs and jewelry. This means for one, that I'm going to have to go shopping and also, that I might fire up my curling iron. I'm told we'll be having some good cheap Italian eats at a VFW of sorts and when I asked what I should wear, she replied that I should dress like Italian ladies do when they go out on a Saturday nite. After careful consideration of who I will be out with, I'm not sure how to achieve a style crossover between Soprano's and Wysteria Lane, but I'm heading right to Banana Republic where they have the answers to these sorts of questions.
We're celebrating Kim's, ahem, 41st birthday. She's SEVERAL years older than me you know. And has a waistline that is SEVERAL inches smaller than mine so were even. We go back about 20 years, and between the 2 of us, this can be translated into 2 husbands, one a piece, 6 children, 240 lbs gained and lost (and that's being conservative), inebriation, lactation and the acquisition of several hundred nodules on our voice boxes. At one time, from belting out American Pie at Fraternity Parties, and now from belting out several thousand commands, on a daily basis, to 6 small children. Throw in some harmless cysts in some unfortunate locations, a kidney stone attack and some hair dye and you have 2 decades lived fully.

20 years ago we thought it was a good idea to do inverted keg stands for recreation. (Imagine handstand on keg, with tap in mouth and you get the picture.) We've spent the last 20 years evolving and now I'm thinking we might have had it right in the first place. With my inversion skills from a regular headstand practice and Kim's stamina from masters rowing participation, we're sure to SMASH our previous record of 29 seconds...

Happy Birthday Kim!


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