Today in a nut-case shell

The fact that I waited until 4:59 to drink today is a testament to my will and strength of character. I figured that by the time I started feeling a little buzzy Daddy would be home and perhaps I could bargain for a nite out.
Today in a nut-case shell:
Children's museum - Zoe, Max and Clara all running around spasmodically in different directions. Onlookers seemingly dissapointed that I was unable to control my children. I'd love to see anyone control a 5, 2.95 and 1.5 year old with my genetic material in a highly stimulating environment! (Without resorting to corporeal punishment). So after some suffering and 1,2,3 magic, I scooped them up, tears and all and dragged them to my Grand Caravan 2000sx.
Thought I might redeem the day with a successful errand. (Did I mention I am unrealistic?) So I dropped by a tuxedo shop to get max measured for his ring bearer tuxedo get-up. (wedding next week) Unfortunately wee three, exhausted from emotional outpouring at museum, were completely zonked out. "Having no choice" (due to threatening phone calls from tux shop looking for measurements) I walked us in, children hanging from various limbs, and presented my request for a free measurement in return for the pleasure of our company. (Including, but not limited to Zoe screaming "Mama UP UP", Max screaming "NO I WON'T DO IT" and Clara sleeping and drooling on disgusting grey tuxedo store carpet.)
I was able to leave with measurements after much bribery with aforementioned MAX. With 2 movies a lollipop on the table, I felt I got off fairly easy. Heres my shout out to mr. manager at mr. tuxedo for allowing this debacle to unfurl in his store and being so pleasant about it!
OK now, gotta get back to, what Max calls, "Mommy Juice".
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